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The JavaScript Bootcamp
Variables + Strings
Replacing var with let and const (10:02)
Store unchanging values with const (6:12)
Isolate values with block-scoped variables (4:05)
Better strings with template literals (10:39)
Types + Conditionals
Understand type coercion and truthy vs. falsy (14:45)
Shorten conditionals with ternaries (13:18)
Even shorter conditionals with short-circuiting (8:56)
Leverage the power of closures (12:41)
Less boilerplate with arrow functions (15:17)
Predictable functions with default values (7:26)
Objects + Maps
Understand primitive vs reference types (7:57)
Easily access properties with destructuring (9:56)
Merge objects with the object spread (10:50)
Arrays + Sets
Perform actions on all elements (10:09)
Get subsets of arrays (9:07)
Transform array data with reducers (7:22)
Swap array methods for the spread operator (12:51)
Snag elements with destructuring and rest operator (9:25)
Understand constructors and the prototype chain (13:19)
Use classes for better prototypical inheritance (7:58)
Share class features with extends (12:08)
Async JavaScript
Understand async code with callbacks (6:40)
Improve async code with promises (13:17)
Easy network requests with fetch (13:59)
Cleaner promises with async-await (11:02)
Essential Concepts
Isolate functionality with modules (15:32)
Master the 'this' keyword (11:34)
Write declarative, not imperative code (6:11)
Snag elements with destructuring and rest operator
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